
Rabbi Natasha Mann is a congregational rabbi, educator, halakhist, biblicist, and grammar enthusiast.

After achieving her first class honours degree in Theology from Heythrop College (University of London) and studying at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem, Rabbi Natasha moved to Los Angeles to study at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (American Jewish University). During her time in California, she worked at several West Coast synagogues (including rabbinic internships at Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation on Mercer Island, and Temple Beth Abraham in Oakland), and worked as the Mashgiḥah (kashrut supervisor) at the American Jewish University.

Alongside work in Jewish education and development, Rabbi Natasha has worked in the realm of human rights, advocating for the wellbeing and protection of victims of sex trafficking. 

Rabbi Natasha was ordained at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in 2019, where she also received a Masters in Rabbinic Studies, a Certificate in Jewish Education, and the the Henry Fisher Award for Outstanding Achievement in Jewish Studies. 

She now serves as one of the rabbis at New London Synagogue in London, UK. She is the first openly queer rabbi in a traditional denomination in Europe, though she is pleased to say she now has queer peers in the traditional rabbinate. 

Rabbi Natasha is currently working toward becoming a m'saderet gittin (an authority in Jewish divorce law), alongside writing and teaching on prophetic literature. Many of her online teachings can be found on NLS's Facebook Page

If you would like to join her weekly shiur on Isaiah, you are very welcome. This runs on Mondays at 6.30pm here on Zoom.

You can contact Rabbi Natasha at rabbi.natasha@newlondon.org.uk.


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